Luigi Amati

Luigi Amati


Luigi is a Partner and a Board Member of Xplorer Fund. With his vast Venture Capital experience, he directs the overall investment policies of the Fund and the investment decision process. Luigi is the Chairman of META Ventures, an investment company with over €140 ml euro under management across Europe. He is a co-founders of Italian Angels for Growth, one of the fastest growing business angels groups in Europe, with more than 200 members.

Finally, he is the co-founder and CEO of META, a company focused on innovation, entrepreneurship and finance. He has since 1993 lead the development of the company from a local boutique to an international firm working with European Commission, the World Bank and the Interamerican Development Bank.

He holds an Engineering Degree Summa cum Laude from the University of Rome, and a Master of Science Diploma from Imperial College London.

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