About Fund

Venture Capital Fund operating in Poland. Investing in pre-seed and seed venture stage of tech projects.

Tickets up to 250kEUR alone, or bigger in co-investments.

Investments along with NCBR (National Center of R&D).

Investment Process

1. Application

If you feel we are a good fit for you, we will ask you to Apply. We want to understand what you think about your own venture.

2. Internal Review

We will inform you on the outcomes, also if we find out that we cannot help you out. Hopefully it will be good fit and we can walk along further.

3. Meeting Preparation

We work with market standards and would like to invite you to put your venture into a 2-pager. That's it. You can also bring your own deck.

4. Mutual Decision

Upon decision, we kick off the investment preparation, both documentation for the Investment committee with NCBR as well as legal preparations to close the deal.

  • Xplorer Fund S.A. ASI investments are implemented as part of the BRidge Alfa program run by National Center for Research and Development.  The program supports early stage, R&D technology projects, originating from the Polish academic community and having the potential for global commercialization.
  • The project “Xplorer Fund II – inwestycje Proof-of-Principle I Proof-of-Concept” nr. POIR.01.03.01-00-0043/16 is realized under measure 1.3. R&D works financed with capital funds, Sub-measure 1.3.1. “Support for research and development projects in the preseed phase by proof of concept funds – BRIdge Alfa”, Intelligent Development Operational Program 2014-2020.
  • Total value of the project: PLN 30,000,000.00, EU funding: PLN 24,000,000.00
Xplorer Fund S.A. ASI
ul. Gałczyńskiego 62/1
10-089 Olsztyn
E-mail: hello@xplorerfund.com
NIP: 7393872805
KRS: 0000541992
Xplorer Fund S.A. ASI
ul. Grzybowska 4/96
00-131 Warszawa
E-mail: hello@xplorerfund.com

© Xplorer Fund S.A. ASI 2023
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Xplorer Fund S.A. ASI
ul. Grzybowska 4/96
00-131 Warszawa
E-mail: hello@xplorerfund.com